What is Business Coaching?
Business coaching is a professional business advisory service that helps business owners to plan better, take better actions, engage their employees more effectively and improve their bottom line results.
Business Coaching with Step Stone is a personalized performance improvement process designed for the successful business owner or executive who wants to take the next step toward driving better performance from their company.
A recent study by the National Federation of Independent Businesses found that 70% of small business owners turn to spouses or family members for the majority of their business advice – and we know that most small businesses eventually fail!
This is where a Business Coach comes in. We meet with the owner on a regular basis for an extended period of time to; create strategy, set clear goals, train the owner and staff with. tools, measure and ensure that actions are being effectively taken. Most importantly, we know first-hand, how lonely it is in the corner office.
Step Stone coaches you in a step-by-step process to get the results you want.
Q: Is this another name for consulting? What makes Step Stone different from consultants?
No it isn’t another name. While a business coach provides expertise like a consultant, a consultant does not coach. A consultant is a specialist with narrow knowledge, who deals with a specific problem or project. They detail their findings in a report, often with recommendations that are detached from the reality of the whole business, then leave. Assistance with any implementation costs the client additional fees and time. As an example, a consultant could tell you how to eliminate waste in a manufacturing process.
At Step Stone, we focus on your comprehensive business priorities and facilitate the action steps to improvement. As a business owner, you know ‘What’ is needed for building success; a coach works with you on the ‘How’ and ‘When’. We work with you to achieve business clarity, establish your goal realization plan and help you with the changes you want to make with your company. This insures meaningful, comprehensive and sustainable results.
The real contrast is that the coach is there for you – 24 hours a day – to help you, guide you, motivate you, improve you, reinforce your goals and improve your entire business.
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