Where Performance is Critical–Coaching is Essential
While many business people are familiar with consultants, these are specialist who usually only tell you what to do, then leave. As a business coach, Step Stone provides a very distinct improvement process that keeps you in control and we stay with you to make it happen.
Generally, a consultant gives you a recommendation based on snap-shot observations which sounds good at first, until you try to implement it yourself and run into problems. The consultant is gone or charges you more to resolve things. At Step Stone, we walk with you through the improvement process, step-by-step to reach your goals. We listen to you, we encourage you, we laugh with you and when needed we have you ‘run 20 yard wind-sprints’ to hold you accountable.
Not all client/advisor relationships will work. As such, three critical factors should be considered before committing to Step Stone Business Development:
- Can the business change in sufficient time to justify the investment?
- Is the Business Owner open and Committed to personal development and change?
- Is there a fit between the Business Owner and the Coach?
Our initial, no obligation consultation will help you with these answers. Please Contact us.
The foundation blocks of any business are in many ways astoundingly alike. Although our principal, Brian Nishida brings over 30 years of business experience in a variety of business disciplines (please read About Us), the expertise about your unique business will come from you. We will listen with an experienced business ear and focus on enhancing your success with dozens of specific and proven business strategies. Also, we have a wide array of international resources from which to draw upon.
Many owners believe that their business does not operate effectively without their continual presence. If that’s true, then a sudden absence of the owner would only return a· “fire sale” value of assets alone, not its full worth. To gain full benefit from a future stream of earnings, you must demonstrate how it will smoothly function for a new, less experienced buyer/manager. Step Stone will share the playbook of strategies which prepares you for that change. We help you address:
- Long-range planning for the next generation
- Skill development to prepare the junior staff
- Personality differences related to change
Initially, your regular meetings with your coach will focus on getting to know each other and for the coach to learn the strengths and weaknesses of your business. Together, we then work to baseline your business, identifying the key drivers of success. Next, once we have identified the areas of greatest need and some untapped opportunities, we develop an action plan for moving forward. This is followed by assigning you specific actions to take. Every meeting we discuss your prior week and what you specifically did to move your business forward, exchange ideas about upcoming projects or challenges, and develop another action plan for the upcoming week. Step Stone will systematically guide you through the step-by-step process.
The cost of improving your business should be viewed as an investment rather than an expense. There should be a very clearly measured ROI (return on investment}. We offer several programs, at different price levels, that are tailored for your specific situation. Step Stone holds a rule of thumb of embarking upon a client relationship when both parties can envision a second year, pre-tax return of three times investment. In the case of ownership transition, a much greater measure can often be contemplated, albeit with a longer horizon.
There are program options that run from only a few months to those which clients prefer extending beyond a year. Our agreement allows a client to stop if a satisfactory return is not realized.
Simply contact us to set up a complimentary initial consultation. Upon meeting, we can then determine your individual needs and match you with an appropriate Step Stone program. We will also emphasize finding a mutually comfortable fit with your coach.